And finally, here are a couple of politically-minded video projects I did back in college. The first was railing against Politically Correctness. It was a pretentious reaction to the administration taking umbrage to satirical banner some friends had put up lampooning the student elections.

“War Games” is the piece I’m most proud of. It wasn’t a statement against the first Gulf War itself, instead a commentary of the media saturation and the way it was being marketed.


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1991 Video Project – Timing X   January 21st, 2014

This was another old video project, one that was most just an experiment. I really dug the effects of video feedback when you point the camera at a television it’s connected to, so I threw together this music video of sorts.

May cause seizures.

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1991 Video Project – Sanctuary   January 21st, 2014

I’m watching some old video art projects from back in college, half a lifetime ago. This was one of the early ones, so it’s pretty rough.

It’s pretentious and earnest and full of energy. I miss that creative overdrive. For all its flaws and how dorky I was back then, this made me smile as often as it made me cringe.

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